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Top five herbs to fight cancer

NaturalNews) Many people are increasingly turning to alternatives to traditional treatments for cancer. One reason that people often cite for exploring these alternatives is that the treatments for cancer so often come with their own set of side effects that can be quite devastating. While even common herbs that are often seen in one aspect or another in daily life can cause side effects or interactions with medications, their benefits to an individual are still worth exploring.

While herbs often can not be tested as quickly and thoroughly as more traditional methods of cancer treatment, the benefits derived from them are well worth noting. The following herbs have shown tremendous promise when it comes to being able to fight cancer.

Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa)

This herb is a powerful stimulant of the immune system. It also makes the cleanup process of the white blood cells even more streamlined. In addition to helping to minimize the effects from chemotherapy and radiation, this herb has been shown to reduce the size of cancerous tumors, particularly when skin cancer is involved.


A study from the Rochester University in New York put the spotlight squarely on this herb. Researchers were shocked to discover that feverfew was better at killing leukemia cells than cytarabine. Parthenolide, the active ingredient in feverfew, has been fast-tracked by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA).


So powerful that one of the most esteemed private hospitals in southeast Asia sings the praises of freshly juiced wheatgrass, this herb offers a plethora of health benefits. These include enough chlorophyll to equal 12 kilograms of broccoli. It also acts as a kidney- and liver-cleansing agent as well as a purifier of the blood. After only two weeks of ingesting wheatgrass on a daily basis, circulation throughout the body improved, as did the oxygen levels of both the blood and tissues.

Sheep's sorrell

Used in herbal remedies, such as Essiac, sheep's sorrel both cleanses tissues and helps aid in their regeneration. In fact, some research has even shown that it helps tissues and cells regain their normal attributes after being damaged by cancer.


An ancient Chines herb, wormwood has often been proven to perform better than some malaria medications on the market. Due to its strong anti-yeast and anti-microbial properties, it can be an effective component of an anti-candida diet. Some cancer treatments -- for example, those that are used to treat leukemia -- can result in an excess of yeast, while some doctors feel that excess yeast can even be a cause of cancer. Wormwood has properties that are directly anti-cancerous. For those people who have cancer, adding a selection of herbs to their daily lives could be effective. Ensure that these herbs do not adversely interact with any current medications or treatments, though. Source:

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